This section provides an overview off all the menu commands in GIFmation(tm) 2.1 and explains briefly their use and associated dialogs.

1: The File Menu Commands

The file menu in GIFmation(tm) 2.1 contains the type of commands normally found in application file menus. There are menu commands for creating and saving documents, importing images into open documents, setting application preferences and quitting the application.

File -> New (Command - N)

The 'New' menu command creates a new, empty document in GIFmation(tm) 2.1. No dialogs are associated with the 'New' command.

File -> Open... (Command - O)

The 'Open...' menu command shows a standard get file dialog that allows you to locate and open GIF files as GIFmation(tm) 2.1 documents.

In the get file dialog displayed by the 'Open... menu commands only GIF files that can be opened by GIFmation(tm) 2.1 directly as working documents are shown. This file filtering is automatic.

The Import Sub-Menu

The Import Sub-Menu contains commands that allow you to add the contents of supported image and animation format files to an open document in GIFmation(tm) 2.1 as frames.

File -> Import -> GIF

The 'GIF' menu command in the import sub-menu allows the contents of a GIF file to be added as frames to the current open document in GIFmation(tm) 2.1. This is a special case for GIF files that does not show the general color reduction and palette handling dialogs of the general image import commands. When the GIF file being imported uses a global palette that conflicts with the global palette used by the current open document, a dialog is shown to allow the resolution of the global palette conflict.

In the 'Resolve Global Palettes' dialog there are three options, one of which 'Use current global palette' may be disabled at times, if the current document in GIFmation(tm) 2.1 does not already have a global palette.

  1. Adjust the global palette - This option will factor the image(s) being imported into the global palette of the currently open document, creating a custom super palette on the fly that is optimized for the display of all images that have been factored into it. If no global palette exists for the currently open document, this option will create the initial global palette based on the the image(s) being imported. The imported frame(s) will be set to use the global palette of the currently open document with this option.
  2. Use the current global palette - This option will force the image(s) being imported to be re-quantized to the colors in the global palette of the currently open document, without that global palette being adjusted for the images being imported. It will be disabled if the currently open document does not already have a global palette. The imported frame(s) will be set to use the global palette of the currently open document with this option.
  3. Use local palettes - This option will use the existing palettes of the image(s) being imported but change them as needed to be local palettes. The global palette, if any, of the currently open document in GIFmation(tm) 2.1 will not be affected by this option, and the imported image(s) will be set to use local palettes in the currently open document.

File -> Import -> File

The 'File' menu command in the import sub-menu allows the contents of an image file in a supported image file format to be added as a frame or frames in some cases to the current open document in GIFmation(tm) 2.1. The supported image file formats are: GIF, JPEG, PICT, Raw RGB, TIFF, ScitexCT, Photoshop, and PhotoCD.

The first dialog shown is a get file dialog, so the image file to be imported can be located and selected. In this dialog, files in the list can be all file types supported or can be limited to individual file types by means of the format pop-up menu in the dialog.

The 'Quantization/Palette Options' dialog may also be shown after the get file dialog depending on current application preferences settings. This dialog allows setting of color reduction parameters, when RGB images are being imported, and palette usage parameters for both RGB and indexed color images. The appearance of the dialog will differ somewhat depending on options selected in it, because unapplicable controls will be hidden. In the above picture, all controls in the 'Quantization/Palette Options' dialog are visible for reference.

In the 'Quantization/Palette Options' dialog, the two top-most radio buttons, 'Use common global palette' and 'Use individual local palette(s)', control the palette usage in imported images. If the 'Use common global palette' radio button is selected, the image will use the global palette in the currently open document in GIFmation(tm) 2.1, but if 'Use individual local palette(s)' is selected, the image will use a local palette that applies only to that image after it is imported.

The 'Colors Used' radio button group provides control for the palette size and bit depth when quantizing an image with a custom palette, and the number of colors to be used from the selected fixed palette when quantizing an image using an existing fixed palette.

The 'Dither' check box turns dithering on or off, and the corresponding dither slider determines the amount of dithering to be applied to the image when dithering is used during quantization.

Palette type, custom or fixed, is controlled by the 'Use custom palette(s)' and 'Use fixed palette radio buttons. Custom palettes that are optimized for the display of particular image(s) will generally provide much better visual image quality than existing fixed palettes that may not be well-suited to the particular image(s).

The 'Palette' pop-up menu allows for the selection of a loaded fixed palette to be used during quantization. Built-in fixed palettes are the Macintosh System Palette, The Netscape Palette, and the Greyscale Palette. Other palettes can be loaded from both GIF files and Photoshop CLUT files using the 'Load' and 'Unload' buttons.

The 'Load' button will first display a get file dialog that allows for the location of a GIF file or Photoshop CLUT file to supply the palette to be loaded into GIFmation(tm) 2.1. File filtering in this dialog is controlled by the two radio buttons 'GIF File' and 'CLUT File'. If a GIF file is the source of the palette to be loaded, a second dialog will be shown that allows the selection of any palette that may be contained in that GIF file.

In the 'Load GIF Palette' dialog, the name of the GIF file is shown at the top, and the number of palettes contained in the file as well as the current palette being viewed is shown in the title of the group box surrounding the view of the palette. Beneath the palette, a spinner control allows for moving between multiple palettes that may be contained in the GIF file. The currently visible palette from the GIF file will be loaded upon exiting the dialog, unless the operation is canceled at that point, which will return you to the main 'Quantization/Palette Options' dialog.

After selecting a palette from either a GIF file or a CLUT file, the 'Name Palette' dialog will be shown so that a name can be given to the palette when it is loaded into GIFmation(tm) 2.1. Once a palette is loaded it will remain available for use until it is specifically unloaded at a later time.

The 'Unload' button in the 'Quantization/Palette Options' dialog will unload the current palette in the 'Palette' pop-up menu. No dialogs are associated with the 'Unload' button.

The 'Apply to indexed images' check box in the 'Quantization/Palette Options' in primarily useful when the 'Quantization/Palette Options' dialog is shown from File -> Import -> Multiple, and it allows existing indexed images that already have an image palette to be treated as a special case if the check box is not checked or to be treated the same as other RGB images if the check box is checked.

When the 'Apply to indexed images' check box is checked indexed images will be treated as if they were RGB images, and they will be quantized to a new palette according to the options set in the 'Quantization/Palette Options' dialog. However, if this check box is unchecked, existing indexed images will be treated as a special case, and their existing palettes will be used as specific local palettes after they are imported.

File -> Import -> Multiple

The 'Multiple' menu command in the import sub-menu allows the contents of multiple image files, in supported image file formats, to be added as a frame or frames in a batch operation to the current open document in GIFmation(tm) 2.1. The supported image file formats are: GIF, JPEG, PICT, Raw RGB, TIFF, ScitexCT, Photoshop, and PhotoCD.

The only difference in operation between the 'File' menu command and the 'Multiple' menu command in the import sub-menu is the initial get file dialog that is shown to select a list of image files to be imported. In the multiple get file dialog, image files are first added to a file list with the 'Add' or 'Add All' buttons, and the file list can be modified with the 'Remove' and 'Remove All' buttons before importing the files in the list.

For the further operation of the 'Multiple' menu command in the import sub-menu, you should refer back to the 'File' menu command and its operation beyond the initial get file dialog.

File -> Import -> QuickTime

The 'QuickTime' menu command in the import sub-menu allows specified samples from a QuickTime movie to be converted to frames in the currently open document in GIFmation(tm) 2.1.

The first dialog shown is a get file dialog, so the QuickTime file to be sampled from can be located and selected.

After the desired QuickTime file is chosen, the 'QuickTime Conversion Options' dialog is shown. This dialog allows control of the number or ratio of samples to be taken from the QuickTime file and also allows the samples to be scaled is size if needed. Information on movie duration, samples, and dimensional size is also shown in this dialog for reference.

The sampling rate can be set either as a fixed number of samples to be taken or as a ratio. In both methods, samples taken will be evenly spaced throughout the QuickTime movie beginning with the first sample in the movie.

The movie can also be scaled smaller or larger as needed at this time by specifying a percentage value. The dimensions of the scaled movie samples will be shown for reference.

After the desired settings are made in the 'QuickTime Conversion Options' dialog, the 'Quantization/Palette Options' dialog will be shown to allow color reduction and palette usage options to be set for the frames imported from the QuickTime movie. For information on the operation of this dialog, you should refer back to the 'File' menu command.

File -> Import -> Photoshop layers

The 'Photoshop' menu command in the import sub-menu allows the conversion of Photoshop layers to frames in the currently open document in GIFmation(tm) 2.1.

The first dialog shown is a get file dialog, so the Photoshop layers file to convert can be located and selected.

The second dialog shown allows control over the blending of the imported layers transparency. Two options are available

  1. Blend layer transparency to composite image

    This option will blend the transparency of each layer with a running composite of the previous layers in the file. Normally, this is the option that you will want to use.

  2. Blend layer transparency to background color

    This option will blend the transparency of each layer with the set background color of the current document.

After the desired settings are made in the 'Photoshop Layer Conversion Options' dialog, the 'Quantization/Palette Options' dialog will be shown to allow color reduction and palette usage options to be set for the layers imported. For information on the operation of this dialog, you should refer back to the 'File' menu command.

File -> Close (Command - W)

The 'Close' menu command in the 'File' menu closes the current document in GIFmation(tm) 2.1. If there are unsaved changes in the document, a caution alert will be shown allowing the opportunity to save the changes before closing the document.

File -> Save (Command - S)

The 'Save' menu command in the 'File' menu will save all changes to the current document that have been made since the last time the document was saved.

File -> Save As...

The 'Save As...' menu command in the 'File' menu allows a new name to be specified for the document when it is saved.

A put file dialog is shown that allows the location to place the saved file to be specified and a name given to the file.

File -> Export Optimized...

The 'Export Optimized...' menu command in the 'File' menu saves a version of the current open document optimized for file size. It can reduce the size of animations significantly, greator than 90% for some animations.

A put file dialog is shown that allows the location to place the saved file to be specified and a name given to the file, as with the 'Save as...' command.

Note, it is important that you not use the 'Export Optimized...' command to save over existing animation documents that you may have the need to edit the images in at a latter time. The process of optimization destroys the editability of images contained in the animation, but animation settings such as frame delay times can still be safely changed after an animation has been optimized.

File -> Preferences...

For the operation of the 'Preferences...' menu command, please refer to the section entitled 'Setting Your Preferences in GIFmation(tm) 2.1'

File -> Quit (Command - Q)

The 'Quit' menu command in the 'File' menu quits the application from running. If there are open documents with unsaved changes, caution alerts will be shown allowing an opportunity to save changes in those documents before the application quits.

The Edit Menu Commands

The 'Edit' menu in GIFmation(tm) 2.1 contains the type of commands normally found in application edit menus. There are menu commands for undoing operations, cutting, copying, pasting, and clearing selections and also commands for selecting and deselecting all frames in GIFmation(tm) 2.1.

File -> Undo (action) / Redo (action) (Command - Z)

The 'Undo' command in the 'Edit' menu will reverse and undo the last operation performed in GIFmation(tm) 2.1. If the last operation was the 'Undo' command the operation previously undone will be redone.

File -> Cut (Command - X)

The 'Cut' menu command in the 'Edit' menu will remove the currently selected frames in GIFmation(tm) 2.1 and place them on the clipboard.

File -> Copy (Command - C)

The 'Copy' menu command in the 'Edit' menu will place a copy of the currently selected frames in GIFmation(tm) 2.1 on the clipboard.

File -> Paste (Command - V)

The 'Paste' menu command in the 'Edit' menu will place the contents of the clipboard immediately after the last selected frame in GIFmation(tm) 2.1

File -> Clear

The 'Clear' menu command in the 'Edit' menu will remove all currently selected frames in GIFmation(tm) 2.1. It may also be accessed using the Delete key from the keyboard.

File -> Select All (Command - A)

The 'Select All' menu command in the 'Edit' menu will select all frames in GIFmation(tm) 2.1.

File -> Select All (Command - A)

The 'Deselect All' menu command in the 'Edit' menu will deselect all frames in GIFmation(tm) 2.1.

The Image Menu Commands

Commands in the 'Image' menu have a different scope than other commands in GIFmation(tm) 2.1, in that they affect the currently visible image in the document window and not the selected frame or frames in the Frames Floating Palette.

Image -> Flip Image Horizontally

The 'Flip Image Horizontally' menu command in the 'Image' menu will flip the current image in the document window along its horizontal axis.

Image -> Flip Image Vertically

The 'Flip Image Vertically' menu command in the 'Image' menu will flip the current image in the document window along its vertical axis.

Image -> Scale...

The 'Scale...'menu command in the 'Image' menu allows the current image in the document window to be scaled smaller or larger than its current size.

The size to which it will be scaled is specified by width and height. Note that the final scaled size of the image must not exceed the logical screen size of the current document.

Image -> Crop...

The 'Crop...'menu command in the 'Image' menu allows the current image in the document window to be cropped to a smaller size with numerical precision. It performs the same end function as the crop tool in the Tools Floating Palette.

Cropping is controlled by specifying top, left, bottom, and right coordinates of the cropped image relative to the uncropped image.

The Frames Menu Commands

The 'Frames' menu contains commands for previewing, navigation, and onion skinning in GIFmation(tm) 2.1.

Frames -> Play Animation (Command - M)

The 'Play Animation' menu command in the 'Frames' menu will begin the animation playing in the document window. While the animation is playing, the name of the menu item will change to 'Stop Animation', which will, respectively, stop the animation from playing and reset the currently visible frame to the first frame in the animation.

Frames -> Pause Animation (Command - K)

The 'Pause Animation' menu command in the 'Frames' menu will pause the animation, if it is playing, on the currently visible image in the animation. While the animation is paused the name of the menu item will be changed to 'Unpause Animation', which will resume the animation to playing.

Frames -> Go to Next Frame (Command - ])

The 'Go to Next Frame' menu command in the 'Frames' menu will change the currently visible image in the document window to the next frame of the animation, or if the last frame is the currently visible image, it will change to the first frame in the animation.

Frames -> Go to Previous Frame (Command - [)

The 'Go to Previous Frame' menu command in the 'Frames' menu will change the currently visible image in the document window to the previous frame of the animation, or if the first frame is the currently visible image, to the last frame in the animation.

Frames -> Go to First Frame (Command - H)

The 'Go to First Frame' menu command in the 'Frames' menu will change the currently visible image in the document window to the first frame of the animation.

Frames -> Go to Last Frame (Command - L)

The 'Go to Last Frame' menu command in the 'Frames' menu will change the currently visible image in the document window to the last frame of the animation.

Frames -> Go to Frame Number... (Command - F)

The 'Go to Frame Number' menu command in the 'Frames' menu will change the currently visible image in the document window to frame specified in the 'Goto Frame Number' dialog.

The valid range of frames is shown in the 'Goto Frame Number' dialog.

Frames -> Flip Frames Horizontally

The 'Flip Frames Horizontally' menu command in the 'Frames' menu will flip the selected frames along their horizontal axis. It is the same as the 'Flip Image Horizontally' in the 'Image' menu, except that it operates on all selected frames and not just the currently visible image in the document window.

Frames -> Flip Frames Vertically

The 'Flip Frames Vertically' menu command in the 'Frames' menu will flip the selected frames along their vertical axis. It is the same as the 'Flip Image Vertically' in the 'Image' menu, except that it operates on all selected frames and not just the currently visible image in the document window.

Frames -> Onion Skin Next

The 'Onion Skin Next' menu command in the 'Frames' menu will onion skin the currently visible image in the document window with the image of the next frame. It performs the same function as the corresponding onion skinning control at the top-right of the document window in GIFmation(tm) 2.1.

Frames -> Onion Skin Previous

The 'Onion Skin Previous' menu command in the 'Frames' menu will onion skin the currently visible image in the document window with the image of the previous frame. It performs the same function as the corresponding onion skinning control at the top-right of the document window in GIFmation(tm) 2.1.

Frames -> Onion Skin None

The 'Onion Skin None' menu command in the 'Frames' menu will disable onion skinning, if enabled.

The Options Menu

The 'Options' menu contains commands that allow you to set global and local animation options such as looping, logical size, delay time, and disposal methods.

Options -> Looping... (Command - E)

The 'Looping...' menu command in the 'Options' menu allows the global animation parameter for looping to be set. It affects the current document.

Controls for looping are provided by three radio buttons.

Options -> Logical Size... (Command - Y)

The 'Logical Size...' menu command in the 'Options' menu allows the logical size of the current document to be adjusted.

Width and height are set through text entry boxes with corresponding 'Min' buttons that will set the minimum acceptable value for either width or height.

Image alignment is controlled by a group of nine buttons representing possible image alignments as the logical screen size is changed.

Options -> Delay... (Command - T)

The 'Delay...' menu command in the 'Options' menu allows the interframe delay time of the selected frame or frames to be set.

Controls for interframe delay time are provided by two radio buttons.

Options -> Disposal... (Command - D)

The 'Disposal...' menu command in the 'Options' menu allows the disposal method, and optionally a flag to require user input, for the selected frame or frames to be set.

Controls for disposal method are provided by four radio buttons for the available disposal methods and one check box for the user input flag.

  1. Unspecified - This allows the viewing application to do nothing, or anything when the image had been displayed for the required time. It is generally interpreted in the same way as 'Don't Dispose'.
  2. Don't Dispose - This tells the viewing application to leave the image in place and render the next image over it when the image has been displayed for the required time.
  3. Restore to Background - This tells the viewing application to remove the image by painting its area with the GIF background color after it has been displayed for the required time and before rendering the next image.
  4. Restore to Previous Image - This tells the viewing application to remove the image by restoring the previous contents of the screen before the image was rendered after the image has been displayed for the required time and before the next image is rendered.
  5. Wait for User Input - This flag modifies the behavior of the delay time aspect. It tells the viewing application to dispose the image when user input is received or if no input is received, when the set delay time for the image has expired.

Options -> Interlacing... (Command - I)

The 'Interlacing...' menu command in the 'Options' menu allows interlacing to be set for the selected frame or frames.

A single check box turns interlacing on or off for the selected frame or frames. In almost all cases, interlacing is not desired for images in a GIF animation.

Options -> Remove Transparency (Command - R)

The 'Remove Transparency' menu command in the 'Options' menu will remove all transparency settings from the selected frame or frames, making them opaque.

The Position Sub-Menu

The Position Sub-Menu contains commands for automatically aligning images within the logical screen of the animation

Options -> Position -> Align Left

The 'Align Left' menu command, in the 'Position' sub-menu in the 'Options' menu, will align the image in the selected frame or images in the selected frames to the left side of the logical screen. It will only move images horizontally and never vertically.

Options -> Position -> Align Right

The 'Align Right' menu command, in the 'Position' sub-menu in the 'Options' menu, will align the image in the selected frame or images in the selected frames to the right side of the logical screen. It will only move images horizontally and never vertically.

Options -> Position -> Align Top

The 'Align Top' menu command, in the 'Position' sub-menu in the 'Options' menu, will align the image in the selected frame or images in the selected frames to the top of the logical screen. It will only move images vertically and never horizontally.

Options -> Position -> Align Bottom

The 'Align Bottom' menu command, in the 'Position' sub-menu in the 'Options' menu, will align the image in the selected frame or images in the selected frames to the bottom of the logical screen. It will only move images vertically and never horizontally.

Options -> Position -> Center Horizontally

The 'Center Horizontally' menu command, in the 'Position' sub-menu in the 'Options' menu, will align the image in the selected frame or images in the selected frames to the center of the logical screen along the horizontal axis. It will only move images horizontally and never vertically.

Options -> Position -> Center Vertically

The 'Center Vertically' menu command, in the 'Position' sub-menu in the 'Options' menu, will align the image in the selected frame or images in the selected frames to the center of the logical screen along the vertical axis. It will only move images vertically and never horizontally.

Options -> Position -> Set Position...

The 'Set Position...' menu command, in the 'Position' sub-menu in the 'Options' menu, allows both the horizontal and vertical position of the image in the selected frame or images in the selected frames to be set numerically.

Position is set relative to the top-left corner of the logical screen and not relative to the current position of the image or images. Horizontal position is set in pixels over from the left of the logical screen. Vertical position is set in pixels down from the top of the logical screen.

Options -> Position -> Set Horizontal Position...

The 'Set Horizontal Position...' menu command, in the 'Position' sub-menu in the 'Options' menu, allows both the horizontal position of the image in the selected frame or images in the selected frames to be set numerically, without affecting the current vertical position of the image or images.

Position is set relative to the left side of the logical screen and not relative to the current position of the image or images. Horizontal position is set in pixels over from the left of the logical screen.

Options -> Position -> Set Vertical Position...

The 'Set Vertical Position...' menu command, in the 'Position' sub-menu in the 'Options' menu, allows both the vertical position of the image in the selected frame or images in the selected frames to be set numerically, without affecting the current horizontal position of the image or images.

Position is set relative to the top of the logical screen and not relative to the current position of the image or images. Vertical position is set in pixels down from the top of the logical screen.

Options -> Position -> Offset Position...

The 'Offset Position...' menu command, in the 'Position' sub-menu in the 'Options' menu, allows both the horizontal and vertical position of the image in the selected frame or images in the selected frames to be set numerically, relative to the current position of the image or images and not relative to the top-left of the logical screen.

Position is set relative to the top-left corner of the current image position in the logical screen. Horizontal position is set in pixels over from the left of the current image position. Vertical position is set in pixels down from the top of the current image position.

The Palette Sub-Menu

The 'Palette' sub-menu in the 'Options' menu contains commands that allow you to manipulate image palettes in GIFmation(tm) 2.1.

Options -> Palette -> Use Local Palettes

The 'Use Local Palettes' menu command, in the 'Palette' sub-menu in the 'Options' menu, will duplicate the global palette into an image specific local palette for the frame or frames selected, so that the frame or frames uses a local palette.

Options -> Palette -> Reduce Bit Depth

The 'Reduce Bit Depth...' menu command, in the 'Palette' sub-menu in the 'Options' menu, will further reduce the bit-depth or colors used for the selected frame or frames from their current palettes.

Radio buttons are provided for even bit-depths of colors, 256 color 8-bit, 128 color 7-bit, 64 color 6-bit, 32 color 5-bit, and 16 color 4-bit, as well as a radio button for an arbitrary number of colors from 2 - 256 to be used.

Options -> Palette -> Adjust Into Global Palette

The 'Adjust Into Global Palette' menu command, in the 'Palette' sub-menu in the 'Options' menu, will adjust the selected frame or frames, which currently use image specific local palettes, into the current global palette of the document using super palette factoring. This creates a new global palette for all the images in the current document that is optimized for the display of all images that have been factored into the global palette.

Options -> Palette -> Force To Global Palette...

The 'Force Global Palette...' menu command, in the 'Palette' sub-menu in the 'Options' menu, will requantize the selected frame or frames that currently use image specific local palettes to the current global palette for the document, without modifying the current global palette.

When forcing an image to use the local palette, the option is provided to change the bit depth of the image to only use a subset of the colors in the current global palette.

Radio buttons are provided for even bit-depths of colors, 256 color 8-bit, 128 color 7-bit, 64 color 6-bit, 32 color 5-bit, and 16 color 4-bit, as well as a radio button for an arbitrary number of colors from 2 - 256 to be used.

Options -> Palette -> Load Global Palette...

The 'Load Global Palette...' menu command, in the 'Palette' sub-menu in the 'Options' menu, allows a fixed global palette to be loaded into the current document so it is available for use by images in the current document. Note that all images in the current document must be set to use local palettes, so there is no global palette already in use in the global palette, for this menu command to be enabled.

A get file dialog is shown to locate the file, either a GIF file or a Photoshop CLUT file, containing the palette to be loaded as the new global palette. File filtering is controlled by the two radio button at the bottom of the dialog, 'GIF File' and 'CLUT File'.

If a CLUT file is selected as the source of the palette to be loaded, no additional dialogs are shown by the 'Load Global Palette...' menu command. However, if a GIF file is selected as the source of the palette to be loaded, the 'Load GIF Palette' dialog will be shown to select which palette to use from the GIF file.

In the 'Load GIF Palette' dialog, the name of the GIF file is shown at the top, and the number of palettes contained in the file as well as the current palette being viewed is shown in the title of the group box surrounding the view of the palette. Beneath the palette, a spinner control allows for moving between multiple palettes that may be contained in the GIF file. The currently visible palette from the GIF file will be loaded upon exiting the dialog.

The Window Menu Commands

The Window menu in GIFmation(tm) 2.1 contains commands for navigating among floating palettes and open document windows, as well as for controlling the magnification of the view in document windows.

Window -> Zoom In (Command - =)

The 'Zoom In' menu command in the 'Window' menu will increase the magnification of the view in the current document window.

Window -> Zoom Out (Command - -)

The 'Zoom Out' menu command in the 'Window' menu will decrease the magnification of the view in the current document window.

Window -> Show Tools

The 'Show Tools' menu command in the 'Window' menu will show the 'Tools Floating Palette'. When the 'Tools Floating Palette' is visible, the name of the menu command will change to 'Hide Tools' and the command will then hide the 'Tools Floating Palette'.

Window -> Show Frames

The 'Show Frames' menu command in the 'Window' menu will show the 'Frames Floating Palette'. When the 'Frames Floating Palette' is visible, the name of the menu command will change to 'Hide Frames' and the command will then hide the 'Frames Floating Palette'.

Window -> Show Palette

The 'Show Palette' menu command in the 'Window' menu will show the 'Palette Floating Palette'. When the 'Palette Floating Palette' is visible, the name of the menu command will change to 'Hide Palette' and the command will then hide the 'Palette Floating Palette'.

Window -> Show Background

The 'Show Background' menu command in the 'Window' menu will show the 'Background Color Floating Palette'. When the 'Background Color Floating Palette' is visible, the name of the menu command will change to 'Hide Background' and the command will then hide the 'Background Color Floating Palette'.

Window -> (document name) (Command - 1 through 9)

The open document items in the 'Window' menu will toggle between documents, making the document selected in the 'Window' menu the current document.

Copyright 1997 BoxTop Software, Inc. All rights reserved. GIFmation(tm) is a Trademark of BoxTop Software, Inc. All other Trademarks are recognized and the property of their respective owners.

Artwork produced using Snapz, Photoshop, PhotoGIF 2.1, and GIFmation. HTML produced using BBEdit Lite.